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Hírkategória: Általános
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom archív.

    12th European Federation of Sports Medicine Associations Congress of Sports Medicine Poland 19th and 20th October 2023
    [2023.07.24.] - MST - Hírkategória: Általános

    Invitation letter from the Congress Presidents

    We cordially invite you to participate in the 12th European Federation of Sports Medicine Associations Congress of Sports Medicine “Sporty Life — Healthy Life”, Centennial Hall, Wroclaw, Poland, 19-21 October 2023.

    For the first time, the EFSMA Congress will take place in Poland. Wroclaw is a beautiful, big city in the south-western Poland, with unique history and architecture. Over 700 guests are expected to participate from more than 40 countries.

    The main topics of the Congress will include: exercise for health, aging and sport, drugs, doping and antidoping, sudden cardiac death in sports athletes’ heart, injuries, sports in children and adolescents, relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S), digital wearables in sports medicine and sports, altitude training; rehabilitation to Paralympics, exercise and immune health, clinical and legal problems of Sports Medicine in Europe, and other topics.

    We hope that the Congress will be a unique occasion to share current knowledge and ideas of modern Sports Medicine.

    See you in the wonderful Wrocław!

    Maurizio Casasco, 

    of the European Federation of Sports 


    Tomasz Kostka


    of the Polish Society of Sports Medicine
    Medicine Associations


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